Friday, 20 March 2015

Question 5

We attract/ addressed our target audience by using social  media

We used:

Facebook pages


This is a way to attract the young audience for the youth drama/high school drama. Mostly young teenagers are more likely to use these types of social media websites/apps are more popular and it would attract to our target audience.

Cinema showing was on the 16th of March where 110 Candi AS media students went to the screen on the green in Angel to watch the films. All students videos were either High school drama or Youth Drama.

The DVD in which all the films are on was distributed by the college.

We also ran focus groups to get a rough cut feedback so that we could make improvements to ensure that we attract our Target audience.

In the film opening itself we used similar clothing and  actors/ characters so that the audience can relate in some ways, also by using similar music types that young people can relate and it makes more young people want to watch films that are similar and or are relatable. We made sure that our film can be relatable.

Our setting and location was in a park in East London. Our group thought that the location is typical setting for a youth drama and also we filmed in a block of flats and normally you would see that in youth drama film. Also it relates to elements of our storyline.

In our film opening we used key conventions of a youth drama. We made sure that our audience was pleased with knowing what is happening but also having a bit of mystery behind it, by not giving the whole storyline away.

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